Listening to your body

In somatic healing is extremely important to cultivate, what I call:

“Somatic Ears” = cultivating our abilities to listen to the body, responding to its needs.

Honouring your body’s needs can be difficult at times. It’s worth remembering that in this journey we are going against ingrained family patterns, societal expectations and the mind that often wants quick answers and fast results. So it’s not a small task; nevertheless, it’s one worth pursuing. Most of us have lost connection with our precious bodies along the way. It’s about time we reconnect.

Practicing with our “Somatic Ears” also mean to combine what we notice and “hear” with action.

🌿 If the body needs 5 minutes to sit down, you honour it.

🌿 If the body wants water, you stop and give it a glass.

🌿 If you notice you need a nap, you follow through, and if you can’t, due to life’s circumstances, a 5 minutes sit down on the sofa or a 5 minutes of having your eyes shut may do the trick.

My aim is not to advocate for impossible goals. I know we all have responsibilities to fulfil. Listening and acting according to your body’s needs require patience and trust in the body’s innate self-healing capabilities.

To keep it going it’s important to make this practice realistic. It needs to fit in with your daily life.

The key for this simple, but not easy exercise, is to move towards what the body is communicating at each moment.

You won’t “get it right” all the time and that’s ok. Listening and acting can be as simple as adjusting how you are sitting on your chair, if that’s the need the body is signalling.
Any 0.01 effort counts. The body will delight in your wish to reconnect and your nervous system will thank you for it.

Listening to your body and acting on what it needs is one of the most powerful ways to build capacity.

I would love to hear how it goes for you once you start implementing this practice.

