Somatic work is like working with a house of cards. The nervous system does not process long stories. It only needs small chunks of information.

When you work somatically you don’t need to recount long old stories.

There is no need to be digging deep, trying to guess implicit (unconscious) memories, hypothesising what may have happen.

Somatic work is like working with a house of cards. The nervous system does not process long stories. It only needs small chunks of information.

Each chunk has the potential to resolve many symptoms and emotional patterns.

You only need to take 1 card off (small chunk of information) and the tower (the whole story and negative symptoms that come with it) crumbles.

That’s why results in somatic work is organic and can happen much quicker compared to other approaches.

It constantly honours your current capacity, avoiding stressing your system out with overwhelming details.

Sometimes “meaning” and explicit details may become apparent during the course of the work, but even if they don’t, resolution is still possible, because all you need to know is accessible through the body in the present moment.

If you are keen to start this type of work, I invite you to check ways of working with me on my website.

