Flexible Pricing Group Sessions

Support as generously as you are able

Book group sessions

Take part in my somatic group sessions to help release and integrate incomplete self-protective survival responses, where your nervous system may be holding onto unhelpful patterns. We work as a cohort under my guidance. Sessions are dynamic and different each time. This group is participant-centred and sessions are not recorded. Your questions, feelings and experiences are a big part of our meetings.

Among other things, we will work with what you bring. In each session I can work with different people depending on who most requires my assistance. You don’t have to share anything if you don’t want to, but are welcome to share as well if you feel called to. There are limited spots, book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Somatic group sessions are good to experience co-regulation in a group setting, to learn new somatic skills, and to start to experience self-regulation. These sessions are not substitute for 1:1 work. It can be used in addition to your 1:1 sessions or on its own.

There is one session per month. Sundays at 4:30pm British timezone (GMT). Session can last between 50-60 minutes and is held online on Zoom. If there are available slots, the system will allow you to book up to 1 hour prior the session. If cohort is already full, please check future dates by clicking on the “Book now” button.

Please come wearing comfortable clothing. When in the session, it is advised that you find a comfortable position with both your feet on the floor as it helps you stay grounded and allow better discharge of the nervous system.

Please note: these group sessions are not suitable for people with psychiatric conditions such as, Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Personality Disorders and any other severe mental health (diagnosed and/or undiagnosed) conditions.

To help accommodate for different financial needs, I offer my sessions on a sliding scale from £25 to £100. Please choose an amount within or above recommended scale. (Amount in British pounds. Please check relevant exchange rates before booking).

What people are saying

  • “All in all, Sunday’s Open Mic was very powerful for me. Can’t wait for next week and our next 1:1. I’m becoming an SE junkie. And I’m so grateful you’re making it possible for me.”

  • “Life just feels so much more manageable and enjoyable when we are more embodied. Thank you Yara and everyone else for being there.”

  • “Thank you for yesterday, Yara. I really appreciated your insights and it felt like a very safe and supportive group.”

  • “Deep gratitude Yara and to you all in the space this morning. It’s incredible how much of the experience is mirrored and shared. It’s like a unifying collective nervous system reboot!”

Remember your aftercare

A few pointers and aftercare for those that attend the somatic integration group sessions:

  • The session can take between 1 and 3 days to integrate.

  • As much as possible give yourself enough space to rest, sleep and just be.

  • After the session emotions such as irritation, anger, apathy and other uncomfortable emotions can show up. It’s not always the case, but if they do it’s ok. The best way to deal with it is to let them be. Feel them, but don’t take them personally. They may be uncomfortable, but they are not you. Emotions that may resurface, after the session, are not good or bad, they just are. They are part of the release and integration process post-session.

  • Don’t cling to the emotions. Feel them, but don’t entangle with them. Don’t reject them. Don’t try to change them and don’t try to befriend them either. Just carry on with your day, doing the practical things that need doing, and let the emotions be in the background. 

  • Avoid over thinking or solving the puzzle of every single thing that happened in the session or after the session. Remember, this is integration through the body. Let the body do the work, let the mind rest in the background. Give the body space to process and integrate. If you need to know something you will know something. The insights will come the more you relax into the process. What needs to be known will be shown to you. 

  • Use your resources. Resources can be anything that brings you back into a state of ease. Your resources will be unique to you. It could be anything such as playing with you dogs or cats, prayer, walk in nature, watching a funny movie, having a cup of tea or calling a good friend. Make a list of a few of those resources and have it on hand. When/if overwhelm shows up do some of those things to help regulate your nervous system. Resources are not distractions or ignoring the problems, it is just another part of the somatic work we are doing to reeducate your nervous system.