5 reasons why processing trauma through talking doesn't yield desired results

🔸The memory lives in the tissues, organs, muscle, fascia, bones, nervous system and cells.

🔸Even though cognitive ways to address trauma can produce insights and understanding, the emotional limbic midbrain and brainstem are unable to embrace a different reality.

🔸With so much accumulated stress in the body; the trauma itself gets in the way of survivors accurately reflecting on their experience. There is only limited amount of insight one can have through cognitive understanding and talking.

🔸The body holds the impact of trauma even after the analytical mind has evaluated its narrative.

🔸Traumatic stress does not arise from the story of the event, but from the lived experience, in the body.

It’s only through bringing coherence to the physiology that we finally start finding relief from symptoms and can expand capacity to live life to its fullest.

Have you ever tried to process trauma by talking? If so, how was your experience?

