The fallacy of doing personal development work without somatics

I recall being very skeptical when I first started my healing journey with somatics.

I thought it was too simple, too slow and even too boring.
I was in such a high state of disconnection and overwhelm that I couldn’t comprehend how such simple instructions on how to feel the body was going to change anything.

I say this in hindsight, because in the beginning of the work I recall having this feeling of superiority towards this approach. After all I had done 3 decades of different types of psychotherapy, energy healing, psychoanalysis, coaching, functional medicine, homeopathy and, and ...

I thought somatics was child’s play for my “advanced” skills and experience in personal development.

This “superiority complex” was one of many of my survival strategies. It’s a self protective part. It kept on avoiding the type of healing work that can actually resolve the issues.

Needless to say I was completely wrong. I realised that without somatics I could not put into practice everything I knew. My survival strategies were too sophisticated and too ingrained, keeping me out of touch with my body.

And if we are not in the body we can’t execute anything. No matter how much advanced knowledge we may have.
It’s like asking a toddler to write a PhD thesis in Astrophysics.

I see this trend often with clients too. So many of us have brilliant skills, but putting these skills into practice while fully embodied is a game changer!

Without somatics I was just a toddler who thought she knew something about personal development.

Somatic healing work is the base. It is what will bring you back to yourself.

Little by little you get closer and closer to yourself by accessing this amazing vessel, the human body. Then the toddler stage will pass and everything you have learnt will finally fall into place in a productive and expansive way.

