Nervous system regulation for sensitive systems is a rare art

If you have tried many different methods for healing your nervous system and to integrate your traumas, but have noticed you are not seeing results like everyone else…

You might have a sensitive system and because of it the art of titration and other aspects of working with your system have been missed or applied ineffectively.

Another interesting phenomenon I have noticed with my clients and in my own journey; is the fact that practitioners who do not have sensitive nervous system themselves struggle to help people like us. They don’t realise how sensitive our systems can be and either offer too much intervention or miss the mark when it comes to apply the intervention they are trained in.

We then end up wondering, if perhaps we haven’t tried hard enough or worse; we think there is something wrong with us. Or that no one understands us.

Overall, it’s imperative to get to know your system and to discern if your sensitivities have been addressed in an accurate manner. Without this, results will be scarce and unhelpful patterns will be reinforced instead of healed.

If you would like more support around healing your sensitive system, feel free to check the link in my bio for 1:1 online sessions.

What have been the biggest challenges in your healing journey as someone with a sensitive system?
