Your system has a set point and, for many of us, the set point is leaning towards a survival state of being

Healing has to be tailored to the amount of novelty your “set point” can take, otherwise it will cause more stress and overwhelm in the long run.

This survival state is your “normal” and this set point is how your system learnt to feel safe.

Your system found its own way over the years.

Abrupt changes, even positive ones, will make your whole system fight back to get back to the set point it knows and feels safe with.

That’s why many approaches that are supposed to be helpful don’t work. Sometimes because the method doesn’t cater for the idea that your system has a set point.

And other times because a good method can also be used erroneously, pushing your system way too hard, beyond what your set point can take and readjust towards.

It took me a long time and many healing paths to realise this reality in my own healing journey and I know many of you reading this have tried many different options too.

With this in mind and after many requests, I’m creating a permanent unique online group for healing deep dysregulation. Perfect for supporting the healing of chronic stress, chronic health issues and developmental trauma.

In this group we will go gently and in ways that is non threatening to your system’s set point.

We start next Monday, the 30th of October, at 10am GMT.
For more information check my website, under section “work with me”.

