There are no quick fixes when it comes to true deep healing

Adjusting your expectations on your healing journey can spare you a lot of frustration and disappointment.

Chronic stress and trauma “program” your nervous system to be in a state of hyper vigilance; thus you often act and react from a state of tension: An ongoing unconscious feeling that danger or something bad is waiting for you around the corner.

In addition, trauma sets in motion the fragmentation of the psyche. This can happen quite early in childhood, mostly due to attachment issues with primary caregivers. Setting in motion a persona who, mostly unconsciously, feels unwanted, unlovable and unworthy.

Then one grows up making decisions and seeing the world through the lens of a fragmented psyche and dysregulated nervous system, making decisions and connecting with others and the world mostly from their survival strategies and traumatised parts of the psyche.

For these reasons there are no quick fixes when it comes to true deep healing. It’s a process of walking in integrity, readjusting your actions, reactions, relationships and your way of being according to your new found regulation and an integrated psyche.

You learn as you walk your unique journey. No one can do this for you.

Accepting support from a professional you feel safe with is important and very enriching, but the walk and the rebuilding of your life has to be done by you.

A few sessions here and there won’t fix your problems. It takes commitment with truth. It takes courage to go deeper, accepting your own life story, encountering and integrating your deep wounds.

It can be uncomfortable to get in touch with deeper wounds, but on the journey there is also improved relationships, deeper awareness, productivity, serving others and a sense of finally dropping into your body.

You can do hard things, but it’s important to adjust your expectations, dropping the quick fix mentality.

