In somatic work we are looking for what is true in each moment

Not what we think it should be or what we would like it to be, but what is…

What is here right now? What is my capacity now? Can I feel any contraction right now?

This work is pragmatic.
It brings you back into your body and to reality.

There is a huge gap between our desires and the reality of what is possible according to our unique gifts, capabilities and capacity.

We have been sold airy fairy ideas and been told we can be and do anything we want.

Now so many of us feel miserable.
Constantly looking for something, but we don’t exactly know what “this something” is…

I spent decades trying to accomplish things that were not for me. Bulldozing over my body, mind and dignity as a human being.

Your dignity doesn’t come from your accomplishments.

And contrary to what we have been sold. We can’t be and do whatever we want. Believing that we can will only bring more misery.

Somatic work can bridge the gap between the lies we have been told and finally bring us back to what is real and tangible for us, moment to moment.

It teaches you to get in touch with your body and finally learn your unique ways of “being” and doing things.

It also makes you aware of you your own limitations.
Something I either ignored or pushed against my whole life. The results were: constant self sabotage, chronic illnesses and emotional breakdowns along the years.

With more resilience and capacity in your nervous system you can get on with reality instead of fighting against it; and finally start moving towards concrete results in your life and relationships with others.

It may not look like the fake ideas you have been sold. But it will definitely be in alignment with your unique gifts and the truth of what is possible and meaningful for you.

