The “healing” industry is making you anxious, confused and more dysregulated

It is quite concerning to see how healing is portrayed on social media.

A myriad of techniques selling you a perfect “symptom free” life.

It’s wonderful that so many people have managed to find alternatives to healing and ways out of mainstream ineffective, and sometimes even toxic, treatments.

There is so much nuance to this conversation. Perhaps it’s a marketing problem. Or perhaps there is a lack of deeper understanding around healing and individual differences when it comes to trauma and healing of chronic issues.

Either way, I think it’s important to share a few pointers:

🔹Not everyone can achieve a 100% symptom free life.

It’s true that many of us can heal 100% of some conditions and some symptoms. But this doesn’t mean that all of us will heal every condition and every symptom.
And this knowledge is not meant to discourage you. It doesn’t mean you can’t try to improve your symptoms and quality of life. These truths can co-exist.

🔹Not all resources and wonderful methods you see online are compatible with your trauma history and current state of your nervous system and symptoms. Each person has a different starting point.

I can’t begin to tell you how many people have come to me for help after being damaged by the trend of somatic exercises and somatic type courses and memberships with an one-size-fits-all and push through methods.

🔹You can not become someone you are not.

We all have different life stories, unique systems, personalities and limits. Social media “influencers” sharing their miracle healing stories can distort your view of reality and disconnect you from yourself.

Many times these people don’t have a history of developmental trauma. Healing shock trauma is very different from healing developmental trauma. More often than not, there is more to the real story than the marketed story.

There is so much more to be said around this. I might write a part 2 with a few more pointers. But for now, ponder on how these 3 pointers are affecting your view of reality.

