What are the results of somatic healing work?

🌿 It shows you, in your own body, what a felt sense of safety is like. 

🌿 It helps create capacity, resilience and flexibility in your autonomic nervous system. 

🌿 It helps you identify fight/flight/freeze/shutdown patterns within yourself. 

🌿 It gives your system a chance to discharge incomplete stress responses. 

🌿 It may improving digestion, sleep and heart rate variability. 

🌿It increases/develops good interoception (the capacity to feel, track and respond accordingly to internal sensations). A factor known to contribute to physical and mental wellbeing. 

In practical terms all of this translates into: 

🌟 Increased ability to pause and evaluate instead of automatically reacting to situations with unhelpful behaviours. 

🌟 It helps you feel comfortable in your own skin, thus how you present yourself and interact with others change positively. When a felt sense of safety is present the way you see others and communicate with them is more authentic. 

🌟 It changes your response patterns from reacting to responding with more gentleness and care (towards yourself and others). 

🌟 It decreases numbness and dissociation. 

You start to feel more aliveness. As your capacity expands, you are more able to feel and hold expansive emotions, such as joy and excitement. 

I would love to hear if you have anything to add to this list with results you have seen in your own life.

